and again with the needles. (sigh)

Well, hello, Dear Reader!  I have missed you!  Glad you stopped by – sorry I haven’t had anything of importance to say for a week.  Honestly, I don’t have anything important now either, but that’s never stopped me before!

Well, we’re on track with our IVF.  I go back in to the DR in the morning and they’re going to tell me when to trigger.  Soooo, might be as early as Saturday night.  In other news…

What a slow week in the voiceover world!  I guess everyone’s trying to get a last minute vacation in before school starts.  How rude that they wouldn’t even consider what this would do to my income for the week.  Harumph.  My darling, wonderful, king of a husband will most likely take me on a short motorcycle trip this weekend.  Nowhere too far, just in case my ovaries explode.  No, they won’t really, but it feels like they might!

Also, my belly is many lovely shades of blue and purple spots.  🙂

Lesson learned: the IVF nurses will tell you that you can inject in your thighs – DON’T BELIEVE THEM!!!  OUCH!!!!

and that is all.  Have a lovely week, I’m going to spend this next part of my time working on a new worship song I’m writing.  Toodles.

Needles and Texting

Okay, this may come as a bit of surprise to those that don’t know me, but I’m in the middle of an IVF cycle.  What’s that, you say?

It’s where you have trouble getting pregnant, so you torture yourself for 3 months straight with hormone therapy, needles, and then (hopefully) a ‘test tube baby’ for a 40% chance of it actually working.

And I’m not exaggerating on the torture.  🙂  Okay, maybe a bit.  But with all of these injections messing with my hormones, I’m moody and tired and swollen and grumpy and rage-filled.  Yes, rage-filled.  Would you like to know what apparently triggers my rage more than anything else?  I thought not.  Well, I’ll tell you anyway, dear reader.

Cell phones.  Okay, just one cell phone in particular, and it’s probably not the phone’s fault.  It belongs to my sweet, wonderful, 12 year old niece who, along with her 9 yo brother and 15 yo sister, are staying with me for about a month while my mom recovers from a knee replacement.  This phone is permanently attached to her hand.  Nay, her thumbs.  When she has her phone, she’s like the 3 monkeys all put together – sees nothing, hears nothing, says nothing.  Not just evil, NOTHING.  If we go somewhere, we have to wait 5 minutes for her to end her conversation before she gets out of the car.  Argh.

How does this affect her life?  Example: After I left the studio yesterday, on a beautiful day, we went across the street to the park to play.  We brought along assorted park-type playthings – basketball, volleyball, sidewalk chalk, frisbee, and lots of sunblock.  Admittedly, I also brought along an ice-cold Diet Dr Pepper, which my nephew pilfered from me.  Although, if it was really ice-cold, wouldn’t it actually be frozen?  But, I digress…  What was my angelic niece doing?  Texting.  Again.  No doubt to her friends about the only thing they ever talk about, One Direction.

We played volleyball.  I FORCED her to participate.  By that, I mean, I forced her to come over to the volleyball court, so she stood there looking down at her feet unhappily while her sister desperately tried not to run into her to save the ball.  When I told her to actively participate (and I’m feeling my blood boil) I get the look.  Hold on, only I’m allowed to give the look!  Who does she think…anyway….. Long story short, cell phone is neatly put away until Thursday.  I’m tired of the phone coma.  That’s what I call it – she’s in a phone coma.

Despite the events, we actually managed to have a great time.  Well, not her, but the rest of us did.  I’d like to brag that I smoked my nephew at basketball.  Okay, exaggerating… firstly, he’s 9, and a short 9.  Secondly, we played HORSE.  I can’t run.  Thirdly, I beat him by one letter.  I had HORS already.  🙂

Then, the kids told me how hot and tired they were and begged me to stop playing so we could go home – that’s when I realized they’re OLD!  I used to tell them to put their toys away and get in the car.  But now, they were packed, sitting on the bench.  “Aunt Jessie!  Come on!  It’s hot out here!”  It’s 83 degrees…and we’re in the shade.  “Five more minutes, guys!  I never get to play!  I’m always locked away in my dark studio away from the sunshine!”

We went home, and the girls played on our arcade DDR (Dance Dance Revolution for the uninitiated) games, while my nephew and I played Farkle as I made dinner.  All in all, a good day.  Now, more injections.  Ugh.

eLearning Voiceover Tips

Today, I thought I’d share some of my favorite tips for voicing and editing eLearning courses.  Yes, I know… there are a ton of schools of thought and ideas out there, but here’s my two cents worth.

1.  DON’T SOUND LIKE A ROBOT. That sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?  But when voicing long, technical copy it’s easy to go into “drone” mode.  Resist the urge.  As a former piano and voice teacher, it comes a bit more naturally to me, but there are still things I do to help this.

Talk with your hands.   I know, I have to be very careful so the mic doesn’t pick up movement, but it helps A LOT if I allow myself to talk with my hands.

Envision the person you’re talking to.  This should go without saying, because we’re supposed to do it anyway, all the time.

Always, always, always be interested in what you’re reading.  Whatever you’re reading is the most interesting thing you’ve looked at all week.

Put a HUGE smile on your face, and check every so often to make sure it’s still there.


I was in this great eLearning seminar one time where we were given the tip to attach a small piece of foam to the mic right where your mouth should be.  This way, when you come back to it later, there’s no noticeable difference in tone.  As odd as this sounds, I’d take it a step further.  Place your mic right where you want it.  Next, take a long piece of thread (not yarn, thread) and tie something small on the end- a button, a lead weight from fishing, whatever.  Place it so that it’s just above your mic and tape it to the ceiling.  Drastic?  Maybe.  But a great idea nonetheless, if I do say so myself.  Electrical tape on the floor where you stand or sit helps as well.

3.  SAVE OFTEN.  Again, this should go without saying – and yet it doesn’t.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stopped what I was doing to work on something else.  Then, I finished and CLOSED THE WRONG FILE.  Everyone asks me the same question, don’t you have autosave?  Of course – but if you click NO, DO NOT SAVE it doesn’t.  There.  What a confession.

Be watching for more SOON.  Thanks for reading my little newborn blog!

June Is Busting Out All Over

Did I just inspire you to sing that song in your head?  If not, you may be at the wrong blog.  I’ve been a voice and piano teacher for more years than I care to admit – and, no, I’m not going to tell you how many.  Let’s just say I started when I was 15 and am now 32.  I’m hoping you’re as bad at math as you are at recalling music theater selections.  

This June is bringing lots of big surprises.  Not the least of which is a new feature film-length documentary that you SHOULD ALL GO CHECK OUT.  Ken Beale of Sailwind pictures has produced a new Christian documentary, “The Sereer: Desperately Trying to Please God.”  They hired me for the voiceover through one of those evil websites everyone seems to hate these days.  I’m always amazed at how many voiceover jobs land in my lap that align perfectly with my values.  Then again, I’m always completely amazed at the ones that DO NOT.  Male enhancement, anyone?  😉

The next thing you MUST MUST investigate is the new audiobook available on iTunes, Amazon, and Audible – “Persistent Love: A Novella” writted by Laura J Marshall and narrated by… well, you know.  JESSICA FIELDS.  I’m warning you: I had to break out my English accents, so for my friends across the pond – no judging.  Let’s hear you narrate an audiobook set in Texas.  Which I’m also currently doing, by the way – be looking for that release in July.  😉 

I guess this princess had better get back to work.  First, I might log into Amazon and search for something new – thanks to an awesome client who treated me to a gift card after I saved her tail. You know who you are!!!  Thank you!!!  I may look for a new apron.  I LOVE frilly aprons. 

My First Post….

Hmmm…. why am I starting a blog? Could it be because I love to talk, I communicate with people for a living!  In all my communication, all of my demonstrating how great this is or how great that is, one thing is missing from it all – ME.  Sure, it’s my voice, but wonderful, talented writers are the ones putting those words into my mouth (and I’m oh-so-grateful for it, mind you)!

So, my first post WOULD be dedicated to letting you know what to expect, only I’m not sure what to expect.  There you go!  
